Can a married woman set up a HUF with just her parents?

The following article was first published in the Mint newspaper on 08th August, 2023. The same was written by our Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, who frequently publish their comments and opinions in the Mint. The online version of the article can be found here.

Can a Hindu family, comprising a married woman, her parents and her two very young children form a Hindu undivided family (HUF)?

—Saranya NTContinue Reading Can a married woman set up a HUF with just her parents?

HUF Property

The following article was first published in the Mint newspaper on 7th December, 2022. The same was written by our Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, who frequently publish their comments and opinions in the Mint. The online version of the article can be found here.

I want to transfer certain shares from my elder brother’s HUF (Hindu undivided family) account to my individual account as he is more than 75 years old now. I am not a member of his HUF. What is the legal procedure to transfer these stocks?

—Name withheld on requestContinue Reading What is the legal procedure to transfer shares from my brother’s HUF account?

Dissolution of HUF

The following article was first published in the Mint newspaper on 21st July, 2022. The same was written by our Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, who frequently publish their comments and opinions in the Mint. The online version of the article can be found here.

What are the steps that a woman needs to take to transfer shares to her son upon the dissolution of a HUF (Hindu undivided family)?

—Name withheld on request Continue Reading How a woman can transfer shares to her son on dissolution of HUF


The Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas shares their comments and opinions in an article in the  following Q&A which was published by the Mint Newspaper on 23rd January, 2022 and the online edition of the same can be found here.

My mother is a widow. My father expired 10 years ago. We are two (major) sons and a married daughter. We brothers have created a HUF with an initial capital of 50,000 received as a gift in marriage. Can my mother create a HUF being a karta and we two sons as coparcener?

-PinraniContinue Reading Can my mother be the karta of the HUF?

Wife can manage late husband’s HUF if all coparceners are minors
Photo: istock

The Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas shares their comments and opinions shared in an article in the  following Q&A which was published by the Mint Newspaper on 22nd July, 2020 and the online edition of the same can be found here.

My late husband had mutual fund investments under Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). I have a son and daughter, who are minors. While some mutual funds have agreed that I can be the karta and are willing to let me liquidate investments, but two are saying I can’t be a karta. Can you explain?

—Swati Kesarkar

Continue Reading Wife can manage late husband’s HUF if all coparceners are minors

Eldest Female Coparcener HUF
Photo: istock via

The Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas shares their comments and opinions shared in an article in the  following Q&A which was published by the Mint Newspaper on 12th May, 2020 and the online edition of the same can be found here.

My father recently passed away. We had an Hindu Undivided Family (HUF). It comprises of my mother, my two brothers and one elder sister. My father was the karta. Can we make our mother or unmarried elder sister the karta? What will happen when the sister gets married?

—Raman Verma
Continue Reading Eldest female coparcener can be karta of a Hindu Undivided Family